Daughters of Suralia Tales of Tolari Space Book 2 eBook Christie Meierz

Daughters of Suralia Tales of Tolari Space Book 2 eBook Christie Meierz
I would love to give this novel 4.8 stars. Christie's imagination gives me hope for the future of novel-writing. I read so many lackluster books that I sometimes wonder if there's any quality left out there. It isn't the typical vampire, werewolf, witch storyline that's been popular over the last decade, but often lacking a unique quality. I've long thought animals aren't given enough credit for their intelligence and ability to communicate, even if it's not as advanced as human communication. Christie gave me the opportunity to experience what it may be like to truly communicate with another living creature. I appreciate the way she chose to convey it, even if I was a bit confused at first.The only reason this isn't a full-fledged 5 stars is because I think the resolution to a major conflict lingering throughout the book was anti-climactic. The story has a good ending but I expected more to occur before that conflict was resolved. Despite that, I highly recommend this book. It may be sci-fi, but like any good sci-fi, the characters' world and lives feel real. It even went a step beyond that to make me consider cultural ideals without being too heavy-handed about it. Again, Christie didn't go with the status quo of late, dystopian future, opting for something more Star Trek: TNG-esque. I think if I had the opportunity to visit Tolar I'd be hard-pressed to leave.

Tags : Daughters of Suralia (Tales of Tolari Space Book 2) - Kindle edition by Christie Meierz. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Daughters of Suralia (Tales of Tolari Space Book 2).,ebook,Christie Meierz,Daughters of Suralia (Tales of Tolari Space Book 2),FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera,FICTION Romance Science Fiction
Daughters of Suralia Tales of Tolari Space Book 2 eBook Christie Meierz Reviews
After reading the first book and absolutely loving it, I was expecting more of the same in the sequel. Unfortunately, although this one starts out setting up and continuing the plot from the previous book, it then sort of breaks apart into stories that seem like they should be separate novellas. The overarching plot with Earth is never really picked up again, and remains unresolved. Even so, if another one is released I will pick it up.
I am, first and foremost, a sci-fi reader, so I did wonder if the Daughters of Suralia would be a lot of romance with a little bit of science fiction thrown in. I'm very happy to say the science fiction element was not neglected!
The sci-fi in Daughters of Suralia is not the kind of hard science fiction where the tech dominates all else. Instead, Meierz has woven a deep exploration of cultural difference into the storyline. You won't find pages and pages of boring exposition. What you will find is a cleverly crafted story that /shows/ you these differences through the eyes of likable characters, characters you can empathize with. Do not be surprised if, by the end of the book, you end up empathizing more with the Tolari than the humans!
This cultural exploration is what we fans call 'soft' or 'social' sci-fi, and I much prefer it to battles with lasguns and space craft.
I should add however, that the relationships between the characters - both romantic and otherwise - were not neglected either. Daughters of Suralia is a true hybrid that fuses both romance and science fiction into a very enjoyable whole.
My one small criticism is that I would have liked to see more of the political shenanigans going on in Earth Central Command. But maybe that wish will be granted in the next book. I'm already looking forward to it.
Ok, it's totally my fault I was disappointed in this book. I thought it was a sequel to "The Marann" and it was, but not in the normal way. When you have a normal series, people are introduced in the first book or it is explained in the 2nd book how this new couple (be it the H or h) is known/related to book 1. In this sequel, it's not like that.
For starters, a large part of this book was building the relationship of the H and h in book 1. Although there are not 1, but 2, side love stories, I felt this book still focused on the same H and h from "The Marann". Some people may think that's totally cool to just expound the world and relationship started in the last book. If so, then this book is definitely for you. You see more world building, learn new things about the planet and different cultures. I'm sorry to say, it's me. I just wanted to be introduced to a different culture on the planet with it being centered around a different main character . .and that's not what happened.
I don't normally write reviews, but want to recommend this, and all the "Tolari" books by Christie Meierz. The characters are interesting, and the "alien" culture well described (although these "aliens" are not aliens, but human-related with a different culture), and some definitely alien-like abilities. I'd recommend starting with "The Marann," however, then reading "Daughters of Suralia." There are others, one of which is a prequel to "The Marann," another telling the story of another character ("The Fall") and the most recent tells the story of the (semi) redemption of the villain of the earlier books ("Farryn's War). I'm looking forward to her next book in this series.
I would love to give this novel 4.8 stars. Christie's imagination gives me hope for the future of novel-writing. I read so many lackluster books that I sometimes wonder if there's any quality left out there. It isn't the typical vampire, werewolf, witch storyline that's been popular over the last decade, but often lacking a unique quality. I've long thought animals aren't given enough credit for their intelligence and ability to communicate, even if it's not as advanced as human communication. Christie gave me the opportunity to experience what it may be like to truly communicate with another living creature. I appreciate the way she chose to convey it, even if I was a bit confused at first.
The only reason this isn't a full-fledged 5 stars is because I think the resolution to a major conflict lingering throughout the book was anti-climactic. The story has a good ending but I expected more to occur before that conflict was resolved. Despite that, I highly recommend this book. It may be sci-fi, but like any good sci-fi, the characters' world and lives feel real. It even went a step beyond that to make me consider cultural ideals without being too heavy-handed about it. Again, Christie didn't go with the status quo of late, dystopian future, opting for something more Star Trek TNG-esque. I think if I had the opportunity to visit Tolar I'd be hard-pressed to leave.

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