Playing Stacy Pretending Jenn Hype Books

Playing Stacy Pretending Jenn Hype Books
***** 5 hilarious arresting stars*****I’m loving Hype’s The Pretending Series! Although not entirely necessary, I would highly recommend starting with book one, Pressing Adalyn, as the characters from the first book make an appearance in this second installment.
When a no nonsense, strictly by the books cop (Chad) and a “...crazy” fun loving free spirit (Stacy) end up in a confrontation, you’re gifted with one hilarious roller coaster ride! As “Operation Take Down Officer Pissy Pants” commences the “playing” really begins. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Emotional and physical pain come into play, but it’s laugh out load hysterical when an unused vagina is described! In the end, will Stacy win over “Officer Juicy...” or will “Busty McFake...” steal her prize?

Tags : Playing Stacy (Pretending) (9780692539576): Jenn Hype: Books,Jenn Hype,Playing Stacy (Pretending),All The Hype,0692539573,FICTION Romance Romantic Comedy
Playing Stacy Pretending Jenn Hype Books Reviews
I have become a quick fan of Jenn Hype. She won me over with her Crazy books. I read Pressing Adalyn and was impressed even more. Hype never disappoints with her writing. In these books, Stacy has been my favorite character and I love that she got her own book. I connected with Stacy and fell in love with her & her ways. I am so looking forward to reading her other books!
After reading the first book in this series, and feeling conflicted on the couple, I was really looking forward to Stacy's story....she was such a standout to me, a fiesty firecracker with a heart of gold, who deserved a hero to match...I REALLY wished it had been the caring, loving always there for her Officer Joe....but sadly, no...what we got was Chad. Chad who looked at her like she was dirt at times, treated her like crap, constantly pushed her away (even after romantic encounters) Chad who pretty much BROKE her...yeah THIS is the guy who Stacy gets, the jerk who treats her like she is an annoyance, ignores her when she really needs help, and then somehow she loves him....sorry, didn't buy it, not even a little.
I loved the premise, Joe and Stacy were fantastic and Stacy alone makes it worth the read. I bought the next one because it looks like I may get the hero I am hoping for, and I want to know...what is Stacy's friend Carrie's closet??!!!
This is definitely a millennial person's book. Parts of it was funny but it is then other part I have problems with. It is all about "ME". Looking and acting like a tramp, running around like a drama queen and disrespecting people in authority is just not right. Her ends did not justify the means.
She seems to forget Chad is a police officer and has to live his life by a different set of rules. Chad's driving erratically through town in a police car as Joe put it was breaking all of rules. There could have been other officers nearby to be there first. Joe's open house lifestyle is so dangerous to anyone and the liability for lawsuits makes me cringe.
I the book was immature using law enforcement officers in this setting, her disrespectful behavior to Chad's superiors was uncalled for.
Ms. Hype needs to research the law enforcement community first before writng them off as lone rangers.
Short review. The only character I liked was Chad, I was interested in his back story which is not only sad but explains why he tries to control his anger and keeps it direct inward and tries to never let out. It also explains why he's always guarded and has a hard time letting people in and doesn't have many friends. Chad deserved a better best friend and love interest.
There was nothing likable about Stacy, she's obnoxious, mean but tries to act like she's not, abrasive and determine to get what she wants NO matter what, which is supposed to be charming and funny but truly isn't. I also didn't like Chad's friend Joe, he was a terrible friend to Chad who he knew longer than Stacy, throughout the story Joe showed how quickly he would drop Chad in favor of Stacy. Both Stacy and Joe annoyed me with their constant blaming everything that went wrong between Stacy and Chad on him, they both acted like Stacy could do no wrong whatsoever.
Even though I didn't like this book I will try out other books by the author but not any that feature Stacy and Joe.
Playing Stacey is a follow up (spin off) book to Pressing Adalyn. The main characters in this book are Adalyn's best friend Stacey and the cop who arrests her in that book. The story actually starts off from that point, moving forward parallel to the timeline in Pressing Adalyn. It does extend a bit farther out in time though by the end. Stacey is C-R-A-Z-Y but still very likeable as well as hilarious. Ian...well...Ian has some issues and doesn't go about things in the best way but it's pretty easy to see he is a good guy at heart. There is a lot of fighting in the beginning so be prepared for things to be bumpy. Also, be ready to get to know Joe a little better, Chad's partner who is a big part of this story! I am very interested to read the next book about Joe and Carrie.
Ending up in jail after a night out, Stacy decides to give Chad a hard time after the way he dragged her and put her in the cell, when Stacy realises that she is stuck in that cell till the next morning when Chad comes back she gets crazy, although the other officers keep her company.
Stacy however becomes friends with Joe one of the officers who kept her company while she spent the night in the cell. Although he shouldn’t Chad feels jealous about what Joe has with Stacy and realises that he may have misjudged her. With Stacy wanting to get even with Chad she learns that Chad may also have a reason for the way he is.
The chemistry between Chad and Stacy is obvious to everyone around them and Chad and Stacy as well, once they stop pushing each other away you know the friendly fun they have at times and their chemistry will be amazing. Can’t wait to read Carrie’s story.
***** 5 hilarious arresting stars*****
I’m loving Hype’s The Pretending Series! Although not entirely necessary, I would highly recommend starting with book one, Pressing Adalyn, as the characters from the first book make an appearance in this second installment.
When a no nonsense, strictly by the books cop (Chad) and a “...crazy” fun loving free spirit (Stacy) end up in a confrontation, you’re gifted with one hilarious roller coaster ride! As “Operation Take Down Officer Pissy Pants” commences the “playing” really begins. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Emotional and physical pain come into play, but it’s laugh out load hysterical when an unused vagina is described! In the end, will Stacy win over “Officer Juicy...” or will “Busty McFake...” steal her prize?

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