Dracengard Book Three eBook Christopher Vale

Dracengard Book Three eBook Christopher Vale
Trapped on a never-ending roller coaster BUT do not want to get off this ride! All the rolicking and wild fun continues in this, the third Dracengard saga.It has it's sad, grief-filled sections as tragedy awaits our characters but oh YES! There is JOY in the morning as some of the lost are found and suprise reunions seem almost resurrection-like. Great plot twists and turns continue and the ebb and flow of supporting characters is refreshing and enlightening. The story is still developing and expanding and the foggy tendrils of intrigue and discovery are swirling anew.
I really enjoyed some of the character's recollections of the history, of their peoples and their personal and familial stories, and relational back stories presented in this issue. The author did us good by fleshing these things out within this edition w/o dumping a prequel or a .5 at us. Much appreciated!
Bring it on Chris ... what'cha got for us next?
I was sent this book gratis by the author as a boon for a previous review. I loved it so much I bought it to add to my Kindle Library.

Tags : Dracengard: Book Three - Kindle edition by Christopher Vale. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Dracengard: Book Three.,ebook,Christopher Vale,Dracengard: Book Three,FICTION Fantasy Epic,FICTION Fantasy General
Dracengard Book Three eBook Christopher Vale Reviews
I have just finished book 3. What a ride. Christopher Vale takes you through it all, fear, anger, happiness...it's all there. He has also created characters you cheer for and others you want to see get their comeuppance. I like well written characters I can hate. 😉
Terrwyn, Ashleen, Willem and Tybalt find Tybalt's ship crew and start the journey to Dracengard. Danger is everywhere and only the Paladin and crew are along with them. Finding out their dracenstones are actually dragon eggs made their dreams make sense. Very excited for book 4 to see them in action! Free download
Oh this is a moving story that won't stop. People get lost. People get found. History goes back 1000 years. Story upon story and then at the end reminding you who was who and the history behind everyone. Can't put it down and wait for Book #4. This keeps your mind constantly going on what is going to happen next. Who will get who? Who will kill who? Who will learn more? Wow! Mr. Vale is doing a good job inventing characters and scenes that you would never think of. A must read.
This is a great sequel to the series. If you thought that the story could not get better, you were mistaken. In this book the author continues to bring us lots of adventures, monsters, betrayals, plots and counter-plots, sacrifices, all the good ingredients to make this book an instant success. It is a very pleasant reading that will keep you entertained for hours. The plot is interesting In the first book we saw a wizard trying to reunite some magic stones that would give him power beyond anything imaginable. And there was also a dark knight helping him with an army of monsters. In the second book we see the development of this war for power and the characters in the book will have to chose sides. Help for our heroes will come from unexpected places and new alliances are made. This third book brings intense moments as our heroes reach Dracengard. Some aspects of the story are explained with flashbacks that goes back 1000 years in history. Reunions with lost characters happen. Loyalty and friendship most of the times is the key to survival. This is the third book of a series, so I recommend that you read the first two books prior of reading this one. You will not regret it. And I can hardly wait to read the fourth book in this series! I recommend this book to the permanent library of all readers that enjoy a well written book, young adults or not. You will enjoy it the same. Kudos to the author for producing such an enjoyable series.
Trapped on a never-ending roller coaster BUT do not want to get off this ride! All the rolicking and wild fun continues in this, the third Dracengard saga.
It has it's sad, grief-filled sections as tragedy awaits our characters but oh YES! There is JOY in the morning as some of the lost are found and suprise reunions seem almost resurrection-like. Great plot twists and turns continue and the ebb and flow of supporting characters is refreshing and enlightening. The story is still developing and expanding and the foggy tendrils of intrigue and discovery are swirling anew.
I really enjoyed some of the character's recollections of the history, of their peoples and their personal and familial stories, and relational back stories presented in this issue. The author did us good by fleshing these things out within this edition w/o dumping a prequel or a .5 at us. Much appreciated!
Bring it on Chris ... what'cha got for us next?
I was sent this book gratis by the author as a boon for a previous review. I loved it so much I bought it to add to my Library.

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